Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” 

Matthew 19:14

we get it… you need a place for the kids to go.

Babysitting/childcare is available for most Adult Faith Formation classes with reservations at least 3 days in advance. To sign up for childcare, click HERE.

We know that you have an active life. Sometimes it is a full schedule with no breaks from the kids. Well, we understand how that may influence your decisions to attend an event or class. Adult Faith Formation, Sojourners and All Parish Events try to have our nursery available for that reason. If your have kids in class for Our Great Journey, and you wish to participate in the Sojourners Class during that time, the nursery is available. If you see an Adult Faith offering that you would like to attend, but have one or two in tow- let us know and we probably already have that nursery available for you to attend! Nursery is free for you, fun for them, and allows you to broaden your faith on your time. And a well deserved break for Moms and Dads of Transfiguration.

For questions about Nursery or childcare, please call the Nursery Coordinator: 770-977-1442, ext. 138, or email
