Basic Catechist Certification Videos

Click here to view requirements for Basic Certification

BC1- Ministry of Catechesis  
BT1- Scripture/Divine Revelation
BT2- Morality/Ten Commandments
BT3- Church History/Development
BT4- Creed-What the Church Believes
BT5- Sacraments and Liturgy
BT6- Prayer and Spirituality
BL1- Faith and Moral Development
BL2 –Spirituality of the Adolescent
BL2- Spirituality of the Child

Adult Education Podcasts (on SoundCloud)

IAT4- “Prayer:  How Do You Pray?” with Fr. Brian McNavish

****- An Evening with the Eucharist. (Videowith Monsignor Patrick Bishop

Intermediate/Advanced Certification Videos

Click here to view requirements for Intermediate Certification

Click Here to view the requirements for Advanced Certification


IAT4- Taizé Prayer with Rod Voss
A Lenten Taizé Prayer service with Co-Director of Music and Liturgy Rod Voss

IAT4– Visio Divina – Advent and Art with Dale Molnar

IAT4– Praying with Pope Francis, Dr. Tom Ryan

IAT4– Prayer: How do You Pray? Podcast with Fr. Brian McNavish


IAT4- Msgr. Gracz – Holy Name Society
Monsignor Henry Gracz speaks to the Holy Name Society about the Charismatic Movement.

IAT4- Fr. Gene Barrette
Fr. Gene’s talk from our Parish Lenten Evening of Reflection.

IAT4- The Welcoming Church with Joyce Guris


IAT1- The Bible: What Makes Us Catholic – Part 1
Part 1 of Deacon Tom Coffey’s presentation on the Bible.

IAT1- The Bible: What Makes Us Catholic – Part 2
Part 2 of Deacon Tom’s presentation on the Bible

IATI- “Ministry of Women in the New Testament”

IAT1- “Women of the Bible (Good Girls, Bad Girls, Harlots & Saints)”

Church Doctrine/History

IAT3- “Becoming Catholic”

IAT3- Role of the Deacon
Deacon Dennis Dorner explains the role of Deacons in the church and community.

IAT3- Synod on the Family 
Deacon Tom Coffey explains what a synod is, focusing specifically on the 2015 Synod of the Family.

IAT3- Trinity
Class on the Blessed Trinity led by Toni Vilardi.

IAT3- History of the Papacy
Facilitated by Phil Stewart.

IAT3- The Creed
Facilitator: Marie Lasalle teaches on the Nicene Creed.

IAT3- Christology, Part 1 : Jesus as Messiah
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 2 : Why we worship Jesus as Savior
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 3 : Resurrection
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 4 : The Cross
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 5 : Sacraments
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 6 : Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 7 : Eschatology
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christology, Part 8 : Christological Heresies
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christianity & World Religions : Christian Revelation
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christianity & World Religions : Islam
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- Christianity & World Religions : Hinduism
Facilitator: Father Brian Bufford

IAT3- History of the Crusades: Why? What? Where? The Aftermath
Facilitator: Tom Welch

IAT3- Journey of the Evangelists with Tom Welch

IAT3 – How the Irish Saved the World with Tom Welch

IAT3- Early Christian Heresies with Tom Welch

IAT3- Ephesus: The Virgin Mary’s Last Home on Earth with Bill Quatman

 IAT3- The Status of the Vatican (originally aired 9/26/2019) with Marie LaSalle

View the Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

IAT3- Watch the Mystery & Miracles of Fatima HERE

IAT3- A Catholic Spirituality of the End Times, Dr. Tom Ryan



IAT5- Reconciliation
Deacon Tom presents a class on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

IAT5- The Eucharist: Is it Really the Body and Blood? (originally aired 1/3/2019)
with John Utz

View John Utz”s Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

Listen to John’s presentation on Sound Cloud Here!


IALM- Bullying in Middle School
Presenter Charlie Bright discusses bullying.

IALM- Pep Talks for Catechists with Sr. Janet Schaeffer, OP

IALM- Renewing Young Adult Catholic Imagination – Matt Weber

IALM- Nurturing Young Disciples to Live their Faith, Nancy Bird

IALM – Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ as a Catechist, Sr. Janet Schaeffer, OP

IALM- The Beatitudes Point to Virtues Every Parent Needs, Tom McGrath

IALM- The Creed: Living and Teaching what we Believe, Sr. Janet Schaeffer, OP


IAT2- Care of the Earth with Susan M. Varlamoff & Karen Paonessa

IAT2- Human Sexuality – Session 2
Deacon Tom Coffey leads a 5-part series on Human Sexuality and Catholic Church Teaching. This session covers the Theology of the Body.

IAT2-Human Sexuality – Session 3
Deacon Tom Coffey leads a 5-part series on Human Sexuality and Catholic Church Teaching. This session covers the Church’s evolving theology on human sexuality.

IAT2- Human Sexuality – Session 4 
Deacon Tom Coffey leads a 5-part series on Human Sexuality and Catholic Church Teaching. This session covers the Church’s teaching on Homosexuality.

IAT2- Identifying with LGBTQ+: A Catholic View
A Catholic Perspective on the LGBTQ Community – with Father Brian McNavish.

IAT2- Death Penalty Presentation
A Catholic Perspective on the Death Penalty – with Kat Doyle.

IAT2- Identifying with LGBTQ: A Catholic View (originally aired 3/11/19
with Father Brian McNavish
View the Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!
IAT2- Church:  Bridge for the LGBTQ Community, Parents and Parishioners  presented by Fr. James Martin, author of Building a Bridge & Kathy Farrell, Co-Founder of the Atlanta Diocese-wide Ministry for Parents of Gay Children
IAT2- Poverty in the USA (originally aired 1/17/2019) with John Berry
View John Berry’s”s Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!
John’s PowerPoint is available Here.

IAT2- Beginning of Life

IAT2- End of Life Issues (video coming soon)

IAT2- An Integrated Approach to Catholic Bioethics

IAT2- Fr. Brian talks Pornography

Spiritual Enrichment

Fr. Brian guides us in looking at the true spirit of pilgrimage, what our Holy Father Pope Francis has said about the Holy Doors of Mercy, and how we can prepare ourselves well for pilgrimage to prompt authentic growth in our relationships with God.

IAC- “Adult Christ at Christmas”

IAC- Making Giving Great Again (originally aired 2/11/19) with Terry Dunn, CFP, Diane Marine, CPA, and Sal Perillo, ESQ
View the Facebook LIVE! presentation HERE!
IAC- In Good Times and Bad, Matt Weber

Adult Education Current “Featured Events” Video Series

Facebook Live! Series

Monday Night Live! Facebook Series

IAC- “Confessions of a Convert”

IAT2-What the Hell Happened to the Devil?

IAT1- “Ministry of Women in the New Testament”

IAT1- “Women of the Bible (Good Girls, Bad Girls, Harlots & Saints)”

IAC- “Adult Christ at Christmas”

IAT3- “Becoming Catholic”

IAT5- The Eucharist: Is it Really the Body and Blood? (originally aired 1/3/2019)
with John Utz

View John Utz”s Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

Listen to John’s presentation on Sound Cloud Here!

IAT2- Poverty in the USA (originally aired 1/17/2019)
with John Berry

View John Berry’s”s Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

John’s PowerPoint is available Here.

IAC- Making Giving Great Again (originally aired 2/11/19
with Terry Dunn, CFP, Diane Marine, CPA, and Sal Perillo, ESQ

View the Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

IAT2- Identifying with LGBTQ: A Catholic View (originally aired 3/11/19
with Father Brian McNavish

View the Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

IAT3- The Status of the Vatican (originally aired 9/26/2019)
with Marie LaSalle

View the Facebook LIVE! presentation Here!

IAT4- The Welcoming Church with Joyce Guris

History of the Church Series w/ Tom Welch

Bioethics & The Catholic Church

IAT2- Foundations of Catholic Morality

IAT2- Beginning of Life

IAT2- End of Life Issues (video coming soon)

IAT2- An Integrated Approach to Catholic Bioethics

Ephesus: Virgin Mary’s Last Home on Earth with Bill Quatman

The Mystery & Miracles of Fatima by Greg Northway

Visio Divina – Advent & Art with Dale Molnar

Catholic Social Teachings

IAT2- Poverty in the USA (originally aired 1/17/2019) with John Berry

John’s PowerPoint is available Here.

IAT2- Identifying with LGBTQ: A Catholic View (originally aired 3/11/19
with Father Brian McNavish

IAT2- Church:  Bridge for the LGBTQ Community, Parents and Parishioners presented by Fr. James Martin, author of Building a Bridge & Kathy Farrell, Co-Founder of the Atlanta Diocese-wide Ministry for Parents of Gay Children

IAT2- Care of the Earth with Susan M. Varlamoff & Karen Paonessa