We are blessed to offer childcare during several parish events and gatherings at Transfiguration including Faith Formation. It is so important to be fed spiritually, and this is especially true for all those hoping to pass on the beauty and truth of our faith to their children. To ensure the safety and well-being of both the children in our care and our wonderful nursery staff, we are conscientious in following state law, archdiocesan policy and parish rules for childcare.
We have found that it helps us all to know what those standards are so that we can work together to see that your children are safely cared for so that your spiritual needs can be met.
We are hiring nursery staff, please contact Cathi, ccarpenter@transfiguration.com.
Childcare is available at the 9:30am and 11:30am Masses
Nursery will be available for children 8 months through Pre-K during the Sunday 11:30 a.m. Mass.
As before, space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Hope to see your little ones soon!
Childcare Available for Faith Formation Classes and Gatherings
Childcare is offered free of charge during Faith Formation scheduled classes. (Our Great Journey, Adult Faith Formation and Virtus Training)
Nursery will be open Family Faith Formation Times. (8months through Pre-K)
Space will be available at a first come first served basis until capacity is reached.
Please print, fill out, and bring the form below with you at drop off for Nursery. Forms are also available at the Nursery.
Nursery is CLOSED on the Following Holidays
New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day Sunday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, Labor Day Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve
Did You Know?
- Our childcare is offered free of charge for parish events scheduled outside of our weekend Mass times.
- Our childcare team can care for children as young as 8 months through Pre-K. Our room is primarily geared to preschool age and younger.
- Any individual child may be watched in our childcare up to 4 hours in any given day and up to 8 hours in any given week.
- We must have two safe environment certified adults in the room at any time while children are in our care. In addition, we must meet certain ratios for appropriate coverage based on children’s ages; we must have one nursery worker per every 6 children, unless the children aren’t yet walking, in which case we then need one worker per every 4 children. This is part of why it is important to list the ages of your children whenever you sign up for childcare.
- The maximum capacity of our nursery is 24 children.
- In order to offer childcare for any given event/class, we must have at least 3 children or two families signed up 72 hours in advance of the event/class taking place. (Signup page link is coming soon!)

Meet Cathi!
Nursery Coordinator
Contact Cathi for childcare options during events when they are scheduled.
Faith Formation Sign-Ups
Please register by Thursday morning for Sunday reservations.
- Sunday Family Faith 10:00
- Sunday Family Faith 12:30
- Sunday Family Faith 6:15 – currently not offered, contact Cathi if needed
- Tuesday Family Faith 5:30 p.m.
- Wednesday Family Faith 6:15p.m.
- Please note because we are using SignUp Genius , you will see a pop up window alerting you that you are redirecting to an external link. Please click on the green button at the bottom of the pop up. Thanks.
Sign Up to Volunteer
Email the Nursery Coordinator for volunteer opportunities.
Please see the volunteer information page of the website. Background checks and VIRTUS Training are required to work in the Nursery. If you are already trained, let us know.
Interested in Working in the Nursery?
We always welcome new folks who love working with children.
All childcare staff must be safe environment certified through the archdiocese, including a background check.
Please contact Cathi to find out more and get started.
Adult Volunteers
If you would like to volunteer in the nursery and are 18 years or older please contact the Nursery Coordinator.
Once Volunteer space is available, you will be asked to complete the required Safe Environment Training.
You can read more on the Volunteer Information page of the website.
Teen Volunteers
We would like to welcome our teen volunteers beginning in September.
Teens between the ages of 15-17, looking for volunteer hours, please print, fill out and return the following forms: