Habitat’s Mission: to put God’s love into action: we bring people together to build homes and communities and hope.  Our Vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live.  Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing organization that seeks to build lives as well as houses. We work in partnership with people in need. to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. Our Principles:

  1. Demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ.
  2. Focus on shelter.
  3. Advocate for affordable housing.
  4. Promote dignity and hope.
  5. Support sustainable and transformative development.

Northwest Metro Atlanta Habitat for Humanity’s history

In 1985, Chrys and John Street started an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity in Cobb County. They distributed brochures to local churches and gathered 12 people to form a Board of Directors. In 1986, Cobb County Habitat for Humanity was officially incorporated.  By 2008, the organization expanded to include Douglas and Paulding counties.  Since then, “Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Metro Atlanta” has built, rehabilitated, or repaired 545 homes as part of our pursuit to provide decent, affordable housing in Cobb, Douglas, and Paulding counties.

How it works

The Staff of NWMA Habitat screens prospective homebuyers (must be a citizen of the U.S., have a full-time job, meet certain income requirements, etc.)  Habitat continuously seeks affordable properties for new homes, and solicits organizations, churches, and companies to help finance the build, as well as provide volunteers.  When ready, the build starts with a house leader, a few experienced crew members, and a group of volunteers who construct a small but well-built, energy-efficient home.  The homeowners put in sweat-equity building their own homes, take classes on home ownership & finances, and will have a mortgage…..the house is not free!  But the loan is interest-free, tailored to their income, all part of Habitat’s mission to place deserving families in affordable homes built with love.

This Year’s Build

Weekend activities include exterior and interior framing, installation of siding, flooring, insulation, trim work, interior & exterior painting, landscaping…..lots of things to do, and experienced crew leaders to help the volunteers all along the way.

How to Volunteer

Go to the NWMA Habitat website at www.habitatnwma.org and click on the button that says ”Get Involved”.  From there, you can view the “Volunteer Calendar” of events, choose our build, and then complete your Volunteer profile.  The Habitat Staff will email you with the details of the date & place, as well as the work involved that day.

Questions or additional information

At Habitat’s website, www.habitatnwma.org, you can sign up, donate money or materials, and get additional information.  Or you can contact Transfiguration’s Habitat representative Mike Meehan at Cadmast54@gmail.com or call/text at (404) 374-9074.  Thanks again for your interest!

For more information, please visit The Cobb Catholic Coalition / Habitat for Humanity website.