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Our Great Journey

This week our theme is “Arise” based on John 20:1-9/ Juan 20:1-9


Opening Prayer: 

All pray the Sign of the Cross

Lord, Jesus Christ, we rejoice with all of creation because you have risen from the dead. As we celebrate the Great 50 Days of Easter, help us to understand the meaning of your empty tomb: death does not have the last word; light will triumph over darkness; sadness will be conquered by hope. Make us people of life, light and hope and help us to show and share our Christian joy with all. Amen. Alleluia.

In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for March is The Rosary.  Please pray these prayers daily to learn. If your children are too young to pray the entire Rosary, at least start with a decade.

Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.


Things to talk about:

  • Have you ever received news that was so good that it was at first, unbelievable?
  • Imagine you are at the empty tomb with Mary of Magdala. How would you have felt? What would you have said to Mary?
  • Why do you think the description of the burial cloths are described in such detail?
  • How does the Resurrection of Jesus Christ change the meaning of your life?

Things to do:

  • Holy Saturday – On this day, we hold vigil and, in the evening, we welcome the light (fire) that dispels the darkness and proclaim “Alleluia!” and “Glory to God!” for the first time in 40 days to begin the celebration of the Resurrection. We celebrate new life in Baptism and renew our baptismal promises.
  • Pull out pictures, videos, and mementos of your children’s Baptisms, and tell stories and share memories of the events. As a family, renew your baptismal promises
  • Color Resurrection eggs, and explain how the egg is a symbol of the Resurrection (life emerging from the tomb). Decorate the eggs with religious symbols. 
  • Easter Sunday – He is not here, he is risen from the dead. Matthew 28:6
  • Make Resurrection rolls to eat on Easter morning
  • Chalk your driveway or use chalk paint to paint an Easter symbol on a window. Lots of good ideas if you search the web.
  • The Paschal Candle – look at the markings on the Paschal candle. The numbers indicate the calendar year, the cross reminds us of Jesus’ passion and death. The alpha and omega remind us that Christ is the beginning and the end of all things. The five pieces of incense inserted into the cross represent the five wounds of Jesus. 
  • Make an Alleluia banner for your Easter decorations
  • This month’s prayer is The Rosary, to remember the important events in Jesus’ life. Gather as a family to pray the Glorious Mystery of the Rosary. Read more about the Rosary….

Closing Prayer

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pray with music. As a family, listen to the song Build My Life. Reflect on the lyrics and share what Easter means to you

Name those who need our prayers. Close with the Sign of the Cross.

Catholic Insights

Alleluia! Easter is a joyous celebration. With God all things are truly possible.

In all 4 Gospels, Mary Magdalene is among the women who are the first to bear witness to Jesus’s resurrection. In John’s Gospel she finds Peter and John to tell them about the empty tomb. They rush to see.

None of the Gospels report anyone seeing Jesus leave the tomb. In this Gospel detail is provided about the burial cloths left in the tomb. The head cloth is rolled up neatly and separately from the larger cloth that wrapped Jesus’ body. No one engaged in grave robbery would have taken the time to organize the burial garments.

Arise! Arise in each of us God’s unfathomable love and the desire to share His love in words and actions. Amen.

Did you know? …The site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is identified as the place of the crucifixion and the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. Visitors can enter the cave (which is preserved inside the church) and see the actual place where Jesus rose from the dead. Visitors generally wait in line for 3 or 4 hours to visit the tomb.

Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the Word, Celebrating Families, Sunday Connection


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