Discovering the Real You (Grades 6, 7 & Parents)

Parents meet in the Parish Center (English – Adult Lounge; Spanish – Adult Ed).
Teens meet at the Family Life Center.
This workshop is designed to address teen sexuality, self confidence, self-esteem, stress, anxiety and depression. We ask a parent to attend the Friday evening meeting in order to encourage effective communication between you and your teen. We want you to be fully informed of everything that we are going to cover with your teen on Saturday and we encourage you to have open communication with your child about any and all of the subjects that we cover.
We will spend time focusing on positive self-image and the importance of having self confidence while making decisions. The more our teens know that they are perfectly loved by our Lord, the more they will have the confidence to follow Him in their decision making.

  • January 26, 2024 7:00 – 9:00pm (Parents & Teens) and
  • January 27, 2024 9:30am – 3:00pm (Teens Only)
  • Includes: Snacks & Lunch, Materials, Large & Small Group Time (divided by grade), Activities, Faith Sharing, and Friends