A huge thank you to ALL the ministries who have used the parish china this past year for their events.

Parish progress can be seen in the areas of energy, water and education – our own parish community’s environmental impact has progressed nicely. 

Reducing paper and plastic consumption is a big part of Care for Creation’s action plan. Use of china and the commercial dishwasher has resulted in significant savings for the parish – approximately $7,800 in savings from Faith Formation hospitality this past year. It has allowed us to reduce the amount of paper products and trash can liners purchased, at the same time, reduced the number of trash dumpster pick-ups, and reduced the workload of our maintenance staff.

Reducing our plastic consumption (both as a parish and individual households) is also important. Plastics take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decay, and that has a tremendous negative impact on our environment. We have much work still to do at reducing plastics, but with time and practice we will also look forward to reporting good savings in this area as well.

Let’s continue to enjoy the camaraderie as your ministry members stand elbow to elbow with fellow parishioners scrubbing, drying, and restacking the dishes and cutting our waste saving the environment and money along the way.

I will leave you with this thought, Pope Francis denounces our culture of waste in Chapter 1, Section 1 of Laudato Si and encourages us to minimize our generation of waste to reduce pollution and conserve our resources. Our parish is committed to helping our next generation.

Again, thank you for expanding our Care for Creation actions here at Transfiguration and may God continue to bless your good work.

If you are interested in joining our Care for Creation Committee, please contact Karen Paonessa at 770-977-1442 ext. 148.

Do it with Love. The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God. —Pope Francis