Tuesday Morning Spirituality

Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. via Zoom

beginning January 28

The Tuesday Morning spirituality group is excited to offer “two gifts in one” during this
winter/spring session. On January 28th, we will begin our discussion of Joan Chittister’s
uplifting, life-giving, hope-filled book, “The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully.” This is a
book that encourages us to say with conviction, “I am luminous with age,” no matter how old we
get! Then on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, we will pause our study of “The Gift of
Years” and begin a 6 week Lenten series from Just Faith ministries. We will prayerfully
address the question, “There are so many people suffering in our world! How can we respond
to such daunting challenges?” In an attempt to answer this question in the light of faith, we will
be focusing on the themes of Lament, Repent, Forgive. Please consider joining us on from
10:00 -11:30 on Zoom. If you have any questions, you can contact Maureen at
