Our Great Journey Begins!
Join the Travelers (Grades 1-3) or Voyagers (Grades 4-5)

We are excited about Family Faith for children in Grades K-12 with their parents. Select the time that works best for your family. Every other week, families will gather at Church, share a light meal, pray together and share the Gospel message. Children and teens will go to age-level small groups, adults will have their own study groups. Catechists & Small Group Leaders will facilitate the sessions. On the weeks we do not meet at Church, materials and activities will be provided to share at home.
Childcare for 8 mos. – 5 years is provided for all sessions at Church.

In the age level small groups, Grades 1-5 use activity-based learning to engage, explore, reflect and respond to the teachings of our Catholic faith.

  • Sunday 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
  • Sunday 12:35 – 1:50 p.m. (Adult Small Groups in Spanish available)
  • Sunday 6:15-7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.
  • Wednesday 6:15-7:30 p.m. (Adult Small Groups in Spanish available)

Contact: Sheila Murray | smurray@transfiguration.com | (678) 223-7349

Feast of the Epiphany – January 4th and 5th Masses

Children in grades 1st through 5th are invited to sign up to be one of the three Magi during the Epiphany Masses. Each of the Magi will bring forward one of the gifts (gold, frankincense or myrrh) during the Preparation of the Gifts. Costumes and gifts are provided.

The Magi will need to arrive 20 minutes before Mass begins so they can try on costumes and rehearse. Unfortunately, we cannot wait until the last minute and at the 20 minute time before Mass, we will have to substitute so there is sufficient time to prepare with the Magi.

If you have questions, please contact Sheila: smurray@transfiguration.com.

Helpful Resources Parents