ChrisTeen Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12)

A place for Catholic teens to deepen their Faith, Fellowship with their community, and have Fun! The teens are involved in our church and our community. From small group gatherings, service projects, and social activities, ChrisTeen actively works to “Show Our Jesus” in all we do.

ChrisTeen’s Mission

ChrisTeen is a comprehensive youth ministry seeking to engage the emotional, spiritual, and physical growth of our teens. Teens have a real voice at Transfiguration, where youth ministry is to youth, with youth, for youth, and by youth. Our vision of ChrisTeen at Transfiguration is to Lead with Love in order to build a strong community. We will accompany ALL the youth of the parish as they fall in love with God and with their faith.

We are excited about Our Great Journey Faith Formation for children in Grades K-12 with their parents. Select the time that works best for your family. Every other week, families will gather at Church, share a light meal, pray together and share the Gospel message. Children and teens will go to age level small groups, adults will have their own study groups. Catechists & Small Group Leaders will facilitate the sessions. On the weeks we do not meet at Church, materials and activities will be provided to share at home.

In the age level small groups, ChrisTeen uses lectionary based learning to engage, explore, reflect and respond to the teachings of our Catholic faith.

  • Sunday 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
  • Sunday 12:35 – 1:50 p.m. (Adult Small Groups in Spanish available)
  • Sunday 6:15-7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.
  • Wednesday 6:15-7:30 p.m. (Adult Small Groups in Spanish available)

ChrisTeen Youth Group will meet 6:00-8:00 p.m. on the evenings we do not have Family Faith.
Please below so we know how much food to get!



Mission Trip


Crises Resources

you are not alone…

“For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” Hebrews 2:18

Transfiguration’s Youth Ministry, Faith Formation, and entire Pastoral Staff is willing to offer support at any time.

You can contact our the ChrisTeen staff for help at 770-977-1442, ext. 155 or 161.

We are not licensed counselors but we can offer a loving ear to listen and a strong shoulder to cry on.  God does not want you to suffer and neither do we. Below are some resources to professional help and counseling services.

Substance Use | Depression/Anxiety | Thoughts of Suicide | Pregnancy | Abuse | Eating Disorders |Self Harm |Bullying | Click HERE for contact info.


Volunteer Opportunities: (Please email the person listed if you are interested in volunteering for any of the below events)

At Transfiguration:

In Our Community:

  • Serve dinner at MUST Ministries 3rd Saturday Dinner, click HERE.
  • St Vincent de Paul Perishable Food Collection, click HERE. Learn more about SVdP, click HERE
  • Family Promise — families will be at Transfiguration in the summer, contact Karen,
  • Warming Center, email Breon,

Forms & Links

  • RSVP for ChrisTeen Youth Group Nights
  • Rite of Enrollment RSVP