The M4 Tour
Mighty Middle School Mini- Mission Tour
M4 Tour (Mighty Middle School Mini- Mission Tour)
For all current 6th, 7th, & 8th graders!
Monday – Thursday, June 2-5,2025
9:00am – 4:30pm
Every June we have a wonderful opportunity for our middle schoolers!
Our 4 day Mini Mission Tour…
We have exciting service projects planned each day! The teens will come to the Family Life Center (FLC) every morning and then go into the community to do service. The locations and service projects will be different everyday. Fun activities in the afternoons at the FLC are a great opportunity to have lots of fun, bond as a group and see who will be crowned winning team at the end of the week!
On Thursday evening parents are invited to come together to the Family Life Center for a presentation from your teens on what they did all week and share in an early dinner potluck at 5:00 pm!
The teens will be transported to all of our service locations by volunteer drivers, please let me know if you would like to help chaperone for any portion of the week or day, or be a volunteer. It will take the Transfiguration family to make this amazing week possible, so all help is so appreciated!!
M4 Tour G.U.I.D.E.s
If you are a current 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grader and are interested in being a leader for M4 Tour, keep this week open!
We will have 4 mandatory meeting so that you can plan the week for the middle schoolers!
Meetings will be from 7:30pm – 9:00pm in the Youth Room. Meeting dates to be scheduled.
Adult Input and Help Needed!! In order to make this week successful, I will need some adult volunteers. Please let me know if you would like to help chaperone and/or drive any of the days.
I am looking to get more adults involved in the idea generating, planning, and implementation of this week!
I would like ideas, input, and volunteers to make this exciting week meaningful and fun for all the teens!
I am looking to create a committee to plan the mission trip, implement our plan, and be there one or more days in June! If you have helped during M4 Tour and you would like to get more involved – this is your chance!! If you have never worked with the teens and are looking for an opportunity to get involved – this is it!!!
Please feel free to contact Theresa Brader with any questions at