Over the coming months, you, the Confirmation candidates, will be doing much reflecting, sharing, praying, celebrating, caring, and growing.  Confirmation completes the process of initiation into the Church and sets the newly confirmed on the way of Jesus.

The activities contained in this Journal are designed to encourage your active participation in the Catholic faith and allow you to explore the works of the Holy Spirit that are part of your every day life.  The lessons to be learned, the questions to be raised or answered, cannot be “crammed” into an hour or two.  You must have time to reflect on, pray about, and thoroughly consider what you discover about yourself, your family, and your faith community.  The Family Faith Sharing Activities, for example, involve discussion over an 8 week period. 

Read the pages carefully.  Every activity should be finished; every question answered. The book must be completed by Sunday, October 11. Complete the questions, copy and paste your answers into a Word document that you save (just in case there are submission issues, you will have back up) and click SUBMIT.

Incomplete pages will be returned and your Confirmation may be delayed. 

Lord God, strengthen me by your Holy Spirit, ​
to carry out my mission of changing the world or some definite part of it, for the better. …​​
Nourish in me a practical desire to build up rather than tear down, to go out on a limb rather than crave security.​​
Never let me forget that it is far better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.​

Excerpted and slightly adapted from the “Christopher Prayer”​

Confirmation Journal – Week 1, Period of Invitation

Confirmation Journal – Week 2, Period of Entrance

Confirmation Journal, Week 3 – Confirmation Name & Saint Report

Confirmation Journal, Week 4 – Period of Formation

Confirmation Journal, Week 5 – Rite of Covenant

Confirmation Journal, Week 6 – Period of Reflection

Confirmation Journal Week 7 – Period of Mission

Confirmation Inquiry & Interview