
Baptism is the best gift we have received. Through it, we belong to God and we possess the joy of salvation.
Pope Francis

Families participate in a Baptism Preparation Class.
Please call for information and scheduling.

Parish Office
(678) 223-7331

What’s Required

  • Both parents are welcome to attend, but one parent must attend a Baptism class.
  • Both Godparents are welcome to attend, but one Godparent must attend a Baptism class.
  • We have the Baptism classes once a month on a Saturday.
  • At least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic and get a Sponsor Letter from their church. (Both can do this but one must) The letter needs to state that they are qualified to serve as a Godparent for a Baptism.  Those qualifications are: at least 16 yrs. old, registered in a Catholic Church, Confirmed, and if married it was a Catholic Church wedding.
  • The parents also need to supply a copy of the birth certificate or hospital record that shows the child’s full name and the parent’s full names.
  • Once the classes have been attended, the parent form from the class has been completed, and the Godparent Sponsor Letter has been received, a date can be set for the Baptism.
  • We have set Saturdays for our Baptisms.  A Baptism can also be done at a weekend Mass.

First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Sacrament Preparation

Christ is in the Father by reason of his divine nature, we are in him by reason of his human birth, and he is in us through the mystery of the sacraments. ~ St Hilary, bishop (315-367 A.D.)

What an exciting and grace-filled time in the life of our children!

Find information on Sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, including Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCI-C) and teens, visit the page for Sacrament Preparation.

For the OCI-A program (Adults becoming Catholic) or for Adults seeking Confirmation, please click here.


The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.

Sunday Eucharist/Weekday Eucharist

Weddings & Marriage Preparation

Among the many blessings that God has showered upon us in Christ is the blessing of a marriage. ~ USCCB, Marriage, Love and Life in the Divine

The Sacrament of Matrimony, instituted by God, is the lifelong covenant between a man and woman, united in faithful and fruitful love. Couples should contact Linda soon after their engagement to begin the Marriage Preparation Process. Preparation begins at least six months to the desired wedding date. Prior to scheduling a date, a couple meet with Fr. Eric or Fr. Rafael. Please call to make an appointment with the priest: (678) 233-7331

What’s Required

  • Initial Preparation Session
  • FOCCUS and review
  • Four (2 each) Freedom to Marry Affidavits
  • Bride Form and Groom Form
  • Permission/dispensation required if either the husband or wife is not Catholic
  • Engaged Encounter
  • Baptismal Certificates
  • Meeting with Presiding Priest or  deacon
  • Meetings with a Marriage Sponsor Couple

Additional Considerations

  • A date cannot be set until the couple has attended the initial session.
  • In addition to the preparation requirements listed, in some instances, premarital counseling may also be required.
  • If either the husband or wife has been married before:
  • A copy of the death certificate is required if a prior spouse is deceased.
  • If a previous marriage ended in divorce, an annulment is required.


Christ’s invitation to the priesthood is an invitation to a way of life that is athletic in its intensity and heroic in its form.
Father Robert Barron

Contact: Archdiocese Vocations Office
Web site:
P: (404) 920-7460
F: (404) 920-7461

2401 Lake Park Dr. S.E.
Smyrna, GA 30080

Anointing of the Sick

He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two… They anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. 
(Mark 6:7, 13)

Any person who is about to be hospitalized for surgery or diagnostic testing is encouraged to make arrangements to celebrate this sacrament. Also, anyone who has a chronic emotional or physical illness may be anointed every 30 days, unless there is a change in the disease; then the sacrament may be celebrated again, as the changes occur.

After office hours and in the case of an emergency, call (678) 939-9985

Pastoral Associate (Ministry of Caring) | (678) 223-7345 | Email Ministry of Caring
Note: For funeral planning, contact the Liturgy and Music Department