Young Family Ministry of
Transfiguration Catholic Church
Mustard Seed Ministry is a Family Ministry welcoming Expectant Mothers – Families with kids in Grade 5.
We are dedicated to supporting families raising their children in the Catholic faith. This website can be a source for information and resources for you and your family
Life at Transfiguration
for Young Families
Mustard Seed Ministry: Growing Faith and Families
You’ll have to wait for admin approval to join the group. We respect our members’ privacy!
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A Quick Look at what is offered at Transfiguration for families growing in faith!
Infant Baptism at Transfiguration
If you would like your infant child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism at Transfiguration, Parents and Godparents will be asked to attend a Baptism Preparation Class, scheduled once per month. To register for a class or to get more information, contact the Parish Office, Linda Rega via Email or, 770-977-1442, Ext. 131. If you would like to begin Sacrament Preparation for your older children, contact Sheila Murray via Email or, 770-977-1442 ext. 149.
Find more information about All Sacrament Preparation at Transfiguration: Here.
Sacramentales en Espanol aqui.
Family Faith
Our Great Journey: We are excited to Introduce Family Faith for children in Grades K-12 with their parents- Where Families are encouraged to attend TOGETHER. No running your kids to different classes, no finding time for yourself, it is a program designed to share the tools you need to fulfil your promise to raise your children in the Catholic Faith. Plus, meet and accompany other families in our parish! Every other week, families will gather at Church, share a light meal , pray together and share the Gospel message. Children and teens will go to age level small groups, adults will have their own study groups. Catechists & Small Group Leaders will facilitate the sessions. On the weeks we do not meet at Church, materials and activities will be provided to share at home.
Childcare is provided for all sessions for 8 mos. – 5 years. Register your family: Here.
Sunday Morning Preschool
In addition to Family Faith on Sunday Mornings, Transfiguration offers a Sunday Morning Preschool for children ages 3 & 4 years old and Kindergarten Class.
Offered during the 11:30 a.m. Mass.
Parish Nursery
This service is provided during Sunday morning 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses and during many parish activities. While families may wish to take advantage of this service, children are always welcome at appropriate functions and whenever the family gathers for its Eucharistic meal.
Contact: Cathi Carpenter,
Weekday Preschool
Transfiguration Preschool is a part of our local community. Classes offered to children from age 2 – preK-5. Preschool Registration, Tuition and More information can be found at their webpage: Transfiguration Weekday Preschool.
Or, to tour the preschool and meet the staff, Contact Kristen Smith via Email or 770-977-1442 ext. 139.
Small Faith Sharing Groups
Open to all parishioners! Create a community or join a neighborhood group or meet at Church to deepen your relationship with God!
Contact Cindy Mc Fadden for more details,
Praying with Children
Even the youngest children can be part of family prayer. They can learn to hold hands and to be quietly attentive during grace and bedtime prayers. The first prayer children should learn is just one word — they can say “Amen” after prayers led by others.
As children grow, they can take a greater role in family prayer life. Build their interest by giving them parts to say and tasks to perform, such as bringing the prayer book or lighting a candle.
As they begin school, they should begin learning the common prayers of the Catholic tradition. Teach them the Sign of the Cross, the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary as well as the responses said at Mass.
Lifelong Blessings
Praying families make lasting impressions on all their members. Though children grow up and leave home, they never forget the faith environment of their earliest years. As you pray together you will recognize God’s presence within your ordinary family life.
From A Prayer Book for Catholic Families, edited by Christopher Anderson, Susan Gleason Anderson and LaVonne Neff,