To be an inclusive community of women who strive to form a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and each other through prayer, fellowship, and small group Christian faith studies.
Our vision is that Women In Faith will be recognized within our Transfiguration Parish as a community of women who have dedicated themselves to enriching their faith, that we might reflect the love of Jesus Christ to all.

WIF 2024/2025
Winter/Spring Studies 2025
We are so excited to be together once again as we start off this new year with a Meet and Greet on January 17th at 9:45 am in the Social Hall. January 24th at 9:45 am will meet in the Social Hall for a morning of Reflection with Kathy Bearden. The following week, on January 31st at 9:45 am we will split into our small groups to begin our studies following the business meeting.
We will again offer a Thursday evening Zoom class from 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm facilitated by Suzie Amsberry and Monday evening at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm facilitated by Barbara Gorman . The book selected for Thursday evening zoom is “Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart ” by Jeff Cavins. Monday evening book study is “Resurrection” by Stephen Binz.
Friday morning available studies:
1. The Sisterhood Series
The Sisterhood Series: an eight-part series about how to live deeper in sisterhood with our sisters in Christ, based on the wisdom of our Catholic faith. Relationships and friendships are a source of life for us. But they can be tricky to navigate and root into our spiritual journey as well. But the good news? The Catholic Church teaches us so much about *h o w* to live in relationships fruitful with God’s love. From Scripture to the Catechism to quotes from Saints and a few real-life examples, this little compilation of encouragement is meant for you. You can read through it to ponder the steps, you can work on it with your intimate friends, and/or you can use it as a resource for discussion for your small group. This is a free study from the Blessed is She website.
2. The Fourth Cup: Unveiling the Mystery of the Last Supper and the Cross by Scott Hahn
In this brilliant book—part memoir, part detective story, and part biblical study—Scott Hahn opens up new vistas on ancient landscapes while shedding light on his own enduring faith journey. The Fourth Cup not only tracks the author’s gradual conversion along the path of Evangelicalism to the doorsteps of the Catholic faith, but also explores the often obscure and misunderstood rituals of Passover and their importance in foreshadowing salvation in Jesus Christ. Revealing the story of his formative years as an often hot-headed student and earnest seeker in search of answers to great biblical mysteries, Hahn shows how his ardent exploration of the Bible’s Old Testament turned up intriguing clues connecting the Last Supper and Christ’s death on Calvary.
Click Here for book on Amazon
3. Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart by Jeff Cavins
Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart will help you celebrate your Catholic faith and will take you on a refreshing spiritual retreat away from the challenges and struggles of everyday life. This collection of 101 stories of faith, inspiration, hope, and humor attests to the power and beauty of God’s amazing grace.
Click Here for book on Amazon
4. The Bible Compass: A Catholic’s Guide to Navigating the Scriptures by Edward Sri
The Bible Compass provides Catholics with the tools to study the Word of God with confidence and purpose, and it teaches them how to understand the Bible within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church. The Bible is central to our Faith as Catholics. But approaching such a large and complex collection of writings that span thousands of years is intimidating for most of us. We need a guide, a compass to set us off on the right course so that our time spent studying the Scriptures is a time spent encountering the living God.
Click Here for book on Amazon
5. Never Unfriended by Lisa Jo Baker
In a world where women can unfriend each other with the swipe of a finger, how do we find friendships that we can trust to last? Maybe by first becoming those kinds of lasting friends ourselves. Starting with that guarantee from the most faithful friend who ever lived—Jesus—this book is a step-by-step guide to friendships you can trust.
Click Here for book on Amazon.
6. Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore
John the apostle must have thought he had seen everything. Having been with Jesus all the years of His ministry, John witnessed more miracles than he could count, saw more displays of power than he could comprehend, and experienced more love than he could fathom. John was there when Jesus turned the water to wine, offered living Water to the woman at the well, yielded to His Father’s will in the garden of Gethsemane, and gave His life on a Roman cross. And one unforgettable morning young John outran Peter to his Savior’s empty tomb.
Click Here for book on Amazon.
7.The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
The Great Divorce is a novel by the British author C. S. Lewis, published in 1945, based on a theological dream vision of his in which he reflects on the Christian conceptions of Heaven and Hell. In The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis again employs his formidable talent for fable and allegory. The writer finds himself in Hell boarding a bus bound for Heaven. The amazing opportunity is that anyone who wants to stay in Heaven, can. This is a starting point for an extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, grace and judgment. Lewis’s revolutionary idea is the discovery that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis’s The Great Divorce will change the way we think about good and evil.
Click Here for book on Amazon.
8. Video series on Formed
We will be watching and discussing two series:
Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God by Dr. Brant Pitre
Why is Mary so important to Catholics, and why have so many people been devoted to her over the centuries? In this 8-part series, Dr. Brant Pitre examines what the Old and New Testaments, the life of Christ, and the early Church fathers reveal about the life and identity of Mary. We suggest selecting five parts, then moving to the Lenten study. You can return to this study after Lent if you have time.
Return by Father John Burns
Fr. John Burns invites you on a pilgrimage this Lent using Return. Fr. John will guide you through the most difficult season of the Church, yet also the most transformative. Are you ready to enter the desert and experience the richness of the Paschal Mystery?
9. THE RESURRECTION and the LIFE by Stephen Binz
Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Jesus is God’s greatest victory and likewise he is the fulfillment of humanity’s deepest longing. Because of the resurrection of Jesus a new age has dawned and life will never be the same again. What exactly did happen on Easter morning? Why did it impel the disciples to begin a journey which would transform the world? What does this mean to us, here where we live today? This book will help you understand what the Scriptures teach us about our own resurrection and how that hope gives purpose to everything that we do.
Click Here for the book on Amazon
10. Emmaus Journey: Reflecting on Sunday’s Readings
This option requires no book purchase, pre-reading or homework. Reflecting on Sunday’s Readings introduces participants to small-group discussion materials based on the Scripture passages used in the upcoming Sunday’s Mass. Each passage is printed along with a few questions designed to engage the heart and stimulate discussion. Emmaus Journeya
11. Eucharist by Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron offers a reintroduction to the ancient meaning and power of the Eucharist. Through a threefold analysis of the Eucharist as sacred meal, sacrifice, and Real Presence, distinct but tightly interwoven motifs grounded in Scripture, Bishop Barron draws readers into the profound truth flowing out of Jesus’ words at the Last Supper: “Take, eat; this is my body drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant.”
Nursery is available for Friday Onsite Meetings –
ANY OTHER SMALL FAITH SHARING GROUP that would like to join the Women in Faith in sharing our journeys with each other are welcome to contact WIF Leadership to add your group or study to this list.
We welcome all women! WIF is supported by the Adult Faith Formation Office and can help with resources, books, studies or any other assistance your group may need.
Any questions or for more information, please email WIF@transfiguration.com