Our Great Journey
The theme is “What Should We do?” based on Luke 3:10-18, / Lucas 3:10-18
Opening Prayer
Lord, Jesus Christ, we await your Second Coming as we prepare for your First Coming at Christmas. Be near to us as we light the third candle of our Advent wreath. As this light grows brighter, we are reminded that you are with us in Word, in Sacrament, in your Church, in the faces of those in need and our love for each other. Amen.
In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for December is The Apostle’s Creed. Please pray this prayer daily to learn it. (At Mass, we pray the Nicene Creed which was written after the Apostle’s Creed. We typically pray the Apostle’s Creed at the beginning of the rosary. Click to learn more about the differences between the Apostle’s & Nicene Creeds.)
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
- In the first part of this Gospel, Jesus tells the crowds to share food and clothing with those who go without. What are some ways your family can share with those who are less fortunate? Is what John told the people to do really hard?
- The preaching of John the Baptist inspired and filled the people with a feeling of expectation. Share a time when you were inspired or filled with expectation.
- Why do you think people thought that John the Baptist might be the Christ (Messiah)?
Things to do:
- Discuss the changes you see in the décor at Church this week. What color was added? Notice the manger in the Advent forest in the foyer, who appeared this week? Do you see the Kings yet?
- How many times did you hear the Holy Spirit mentioned at Mass today?
- Contact Joyce, jguris@transfiguration.com, and get a list of a few people who are homebound or in nursing care. Make (and send) homemade Christmas cards with words of hope and encouragement.
Closing Prayer
You send prophets as your messengers to help point us back to you. Thank you for John the Baptist, who reminds us to prepare for your coming. Help us to be like him: proclaiming your goodness and sharing your Word with others, even when it is not an easy or popular thing to do. Guide our actions and open our eyes so that we may “prepare the way of the Lord” in our home. We ask this in your all-powerful Name.
Name those who need our prayers. Amen.
Catholic Insights
John the Baptist didn’t tell people to change in any big ways. What he did tell them is to keep doing what they were doing and do it in a way that serves God and others. When the crowd begins to wonder if John the Baptist might be the Messiah, John interprets his baptism and makes it clear that his ministry is in preparation for the Messiah. John the Baptist knows his place and role in God’s plan of salvation.
The message of this Gospel is about expecting a wonderful event and preparing as best as we can. We do a million things to get ready for Christmas, the most important preparation is our heart. We can pray more frequently, listen to the words of God and respond. It is through the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we can truly live as Christians. The gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, courage, right judgement, reverence and wonder and awe, strengthen us to live our Catholic faith. What should we do to celebrate God’s greatest gift?
Did you know… The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is the Latin word meaning “rejoice.” We mark this Sunday on their Advent wreath with a pink candle instead of a purple candle. This Sunday is a joyful reminder that our salvation is near.
Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the Word, Celebrating Families, Sunday Connection
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