Our Great Journey
The theme is “Holy Families” based on Luke 2:41-52 / Lucas 2:41-52
All pray the Sign of the Cross
Lord, our God, in a humble stable we see Mary and Joseph keeping watch over their newborn son. We see poor shepherds and animals whose manger serves as a bed for this baby, Christ our Savior. We are reminded of the happy truth of Christmas: “The word became flesh and made his dwelling with us.” John 1:14. We pray that our family follow the example of the Holy Family and always put God first in our priorities.
In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayers for December are the Apostles Creed. Please pray these prayers daily to learn them.
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
- What would it have been like for Mary and Joseph to realize that Jesus was missing?
- Why do you think Jesus called the temple “his Father’s house”? In what way is your church “your Father’s house”?
- Share the most important things children have learned from their parents and parents have learned from their children.
- What is your favorite thing to do at church? Who are the adults in your life who help lead you to God? Who takes you to Church? Who taught you to pray?
Things to do:
- Just as Mary did, reflect on the past year and share your most memorable family moment.
- Play “How well do you know me?” Take turns trying to stump one another by asking questions about yourself, “What is my favorite memory of a family vacation? Given a choice what dinner would I pick? If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I go?….” One person can prepare and read the questions aloud as each person writes down the answers. Family members then take turns guessing the answers, playing this game as a quiz show. Observe that one thing about families is that we learn to know each other well.
- Our experience of worship is the same regardless of the parish we belong to, since we are all one Catholic Church. Obtain copies of different bulletins from friends or family members who are members of different parishes OR you can look up bulletins or webpages online. Compare for similarities or differences. Are there events or projects that you’d like to suggest including in our parish? If yes, share with a staff member!
Closing Prayer
Prayer for Families
We bless your name, O Lord, for sending your own incarnate Son, to become part of a family, so that, as he lived its life, he would experience its worries and its joys. We ask you, Lord, to protect and watch over this family, so that in the strength of your grace its members may enjoy prosperity, possess the priceless gift of your peace, and, as the Church alive in the home, bear witness in this world to your glory. We ask this thought Christ our Lord. Amen.
Taken from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
Name those who need our prayers.
Catholic Insights
Holy Family Sunday is part of the Christmas season. This Gospel continues Luke teaching us “Who is Jesus?” through his stories of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. This concludes Luke’s infancy narrative.
Mary, Joseph and Jesus are presented as a faithful Jewish family participating in the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover. When Jesus is found, he is seated in the Temple among the Jewish teachers. Jesus astounds them with his insight and understanding. Jesus is a child of Israel. His Father is God.
The conversation between Mary and Jesus has many references to family relationships. Interestingly, in this Gospel, Mary and Joseph are never identified by name, but referred to by their relationship to Jesus. When Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the Temple, they question Jesus and express their anxiety. Jesus replies in what many have thought to be disrespectful; but is not. Jesus states the fact and says he was never lost, he was at home. Jesus is God’s Son, and he is in his Father’s house.
Lord we pray to create Holy Families!
Did you know…. The feast of the Holy Family was instituted to encourage Christian families to model the faithful love and devotion of the Holy Family. Although major feast days dedicated to each member of the Holy Family—Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—also exist, the Feast of the Holy Family commemorates their life together, and the celebration focuses on religious family life.
Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the Word, Celebrating Families, Sunday Connection
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