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Our Great Journey

The theme is “Do What He says” based on John 2:1-11 / Juan 2:1-11

All pray the Sign of the Cross

God of life and love, in every time and place you call people to serve you. Help us to answer your call with all our hearts and to follow Christ’s example. Show us how to share the Good News with others with our words and actions. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for January is the Nicene Creed. Please pray this prayer daily to learn.

Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.

Things to talk about:

  • Why did Mary ask Jesus to help the people at the celebration?
  • Mary asks Jesus for help in a moment of need. Mary can bring your needs to Jesus too. What help do you need from Jesus?
  • Picture a gallon of milk. Now picture 180 gallons of milk. That’s how much wine Jesus makes in this Gospel story! What would it have been like to witness this miracle? What do you think people said and did when they realized what had happened?
  • Why do you think Jesus performs miracles?

Things to do:

  • Take a stroll through Our Great Journey art display on the first floor hallway. Locate the Wedding Feast of Cana print, near room 112. What do you see, who is there? Do you see Mary, Jesus? If you were at Cana, who would you be in the picture?
  • The cruets are the containers filled with water and wine that are used at the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer. Notice when and how they are used at Mass.
  • Jesus listened to his mother in the Gospel, even if he did not want to at first. This week, do what you can to listen to and obey your parents.

Closing Prayer

Prayer for Marriage

Heavenly Father, we come before you to thank you for all you have done and continue to do in our lives and marriage. We come before you today, God, asking for a stronger bond of unity in our marriage covenant. When people look at our marriage, may they be reminded of how you love your Church. We renew our wedding vows today and strive to bring each other to heaven. May our children always know that they are loved by you and that they were created with a purpose. Holy Family, make our family more like yours. Watch over us, protect us, and help us to live this day in great charity and overwhelming peace. Amen.

Name those who need our prayers.

Catholic Insights

Ordinary time begins with a most extraordinary Gospel, the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and this miracle draws the interest of many people. It would have been embarrassing for the wedding hosts to run out of wine. The Gospel states that “Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana and revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.”

Mary plays an important role in this story; she sees the need of the wedding couple and she brings it to Jesus. She tells the waiters, “Do whatever he tells you.” These are the last words of Mary written in the Scripture.” It seems that her message is for us as well.

Jesus’ miracles show us that God is present in all moments of our life. And when we believe, we can spread God’s Word to others. Share some of the reasons you believe in Jesus.

Did you know…. Many consider the turning of the water and wine to be the first miracle that Jesus publicly conducted. In John’s Gospel, it is the first of seven signs that Jesus does. These signs were revelations of Jesus’ glory.

Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the WordCelebrating Families, Sunday Connection

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