Our Great Journey
This week our theme is “Sent, 2 by 2” based on Mark 6:7-13/Marcos 6:7-13
All pray the Sign of the Cross
All powerful and merciful Father, increase our faith in you. When we struggle to believe, give us the courage to believe so that we may see your power at work in our lives. Amen.
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
In today’s gospel, Jesus sent the apostles out in groups of 2 to preach and heal in His name. He sent them with no food, no extra clothes, just what they had with them. They relied solely on the hospitality of those they encountered on their journey.
- Jesus sent the apostles out two-by-two instead of sending them alone. What are the advantages of doing something with a buddy?
- What does the Gospel tell us was the result of the disciples’ missionary work?
- Is it easy or hard to talk about Jesus to those who don’t know him? Why?
Things to do:
- Go on a Family Adventure: Plan a day of fun and surprise your children with a special adventure. Anything you and your kids love to do can make for a great surprise play day. Talk about what fun you have when you are together. Here are some ideas to consider: A hike with a picnic, spend a day at a beack or water park, pick fruits or vegetables at a local farm, visit a zoo or aquarium, explore a museum, etc.
- Create a Mission Statement for your Family that reflects how God is calling your family to build the kingdom of God.
- July 17th is World Emoji Day. Have each member of the family draw and emoji for how they are feeling today and share. Or-have each family member draw emoji’s that represent another family member and share it with them.
Closing Prayer
Prayer for Vocations
God, in Baptism you called me by name
and made me a member of your people, the Church.
Help all your people to know their vocation in life,
and to respond by living a life of holiness.
For your greater glory and for the service of your people,
raise up dedicated and generous leaders
who will serve as sisters, priests, brothers, deacons, and lay ministers.
Send your Spirit to guide and strengthen me
that I may serve your people
following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ,
in whose name I offer this prayer.

Catholic Insights
It can be easy as we read and study the bible to use the word “disciple” and the word “apostle” interchangeably, but there is a difference. Disciples are students who follow a leader to learn from them how to live a particular life. The word apostle means “one who is sent.” Jesus chose 12 of his disciples whom he sent out on a mission to preach and heal in His name. As apostles, sent by Jesus, they represent Jesus to the people they encounter on this mission.
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he appointed the Apostle Peter to lead His Church. The Apostles were the first leaders of the Church with St. Peter. The successors of the Apostles are the Bishops, with St. Peter’s successor being the Pope. Because of this apostolic succession, the Church will be inspired and preserved until the end of time. (CCC 77)
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