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Our Great Journey

The theme is “Jesus is calling” based on Mark 10:46-52 / Marcos 10:46-52

All pray the Sign of the Cross

Lord, Jesus Christ, you said to your Apostles, “Come Follow Me. You say the same words to us. Help us to follow you faithfully, to live the commandments, to help those who are struggling and to love like you love. Amen.

Happy Priesthood Sunday! We pray in thanksgiving for the selfless ministry of our priests!

In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for October is the Act of Contrition. Please pray this prayer daily to learn it..

Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.

Things to talk about:

  • Why did Bartimaeus continue to call out to Jesus even though people told him to be quiet? In what way does this inspire your prayer?
  • How do you take the time to listen for Jesus calling you?
  • What would you do if you heard Jesus calling for you?
  • Why is having faith important?

Things to do:

  • Read a short biography about St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. Which saint most inspires you?
  • It is required of all of us to show God’s mercy. Review the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “If we are judging others, we will be too busy to love them.”  Discuss being intentional about serving others this week.
  • Talk about Perseverance. In what areas do you need to persevere? How do you maintain the strength to continue?

Closing Prayer

Litany of the Saints

In the Christian tradition, Halloween is really All Hallows’ Eve, which is the eve of All Saints’ Day. Pray for the intercession of all these holy men and women. Include important saints to your family. This could include family member’s names, Confirmation names, saints associated with hobbies or specific situations. Select one person to lead or rotate leaders.

Click HERE for the Litany of the Saints or pray with the video.

Name those who need our prayers. Pray the Act of Contrition.

Catholic Insights

When Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus, the crowd tries to silence him. Yet Bartimaeus persists, calling out more loudly and with greater urgency. He will not be silenced or deterred from getting Jesus’ attention.

                 Jesus heals him and simply says that Bartimaeus’s faith has saved him. Throughout Mark’s Gospel, the success of Jesus’ healing power has often been correlated with the faith of the person requesting Jesus’ help.  When faith is absent, Jesus is unable to heal.

Bartimaeus follows Jesus on his way to Jerusalem, he is the last disciple called by Jesus before he enters Jerusalem. Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus using words of faith—“Son of David.” Many believed that the anticipated Jewish Messiah would be a descendent of King David. We pray to be healed from anything that can cause us spiritual blindness and to hear Jesus calling you.

Did you know?…..

On November 1, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the All Saints. It is a Holy Day of Obligation and requires us to attend Mass.  Mass times: Transfiguration.com.

Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the WordCelebrating Families, Sunday Connection

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