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Our Great Journey

The theme is “Faithfully” based on Mark 8:27-35 / Marcos 8:27-35

All pray the Sign of the Cross

Lord, Jesus Christ, in your holy face we see the face of God. Help us to keep our eyes always fixed on you, so that in all that we do, we may be pleasing you to you. Amen.

In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for September is the Hail Mary. Please pray this prayer daily to learn it..

Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.

Things to talk about:

  • Why do you think Jesus asked the disciples the question about who they think he is?
  • If someone asked you to tell them who Jesus is, what would you say? How would you describe yourself as a true disciple of Jesus?
  • What heavy crosses are you bearing? Share these crosses/situations with your family members. Resolve this week to give your crosses to Jesus so that he can carry them with you.

Things to do:

  • Make a list of names for Jesus found in the Bible, such as Good Shepherd, Prince of Peace… how many did you find? How do His names help you to know Jesus?
  • Find the names of the newly baptized and send a card to the family. Welcome them to God’s family. If you need help contact Joyce, jguris@transfiguration.com for a list of children baptized this past month.
  • Count how many crosses or crucifixes you see in our Church.

Closing Prayer

O God, increase our faith.

Help us to see that we need to be open to others who are different from us.

Help us to see that our faith is more than something we have; it is something we do.

Help us to see that faith is our trust in you.

Help us to see that we need to become more bold in living our faith.

Give us courage to have faith, live faith and share faith. Amen.

Prayers for Teens, Ave Maria Pres

 Name those who need our prayers. Pray the Hail Mary.

Catholic Insights

Jesus wants to know what people are saying about him. The disciples tell him he is described in many ways, but then Jesus asks them, “Who do YOU say that I am?”

                 It is likely that Jesus wanted to know who his closest followers believed he was. When Peter calls  Jesus the Christ, he is using one of the most important names, he believes Jesus is the “anointed One,” the Son of God, the Messiah. God must have helped Peter to know this about Jesus, that He was the one anointed to save the world. Jesus knew that one day he would die to save us. He told the disciples that if they wanted to be true disciples, it would be hard; they would have to take up their crosses. It is a tough challenge. We need faith in God to bear the crosses of our lives with courage and strength.

Did you know?….. Many great saints at times questioned difficult teachings? St Teresa of Calcutta admitted that she was lonely and felt isolated from God at times in her life., but she always remained faithful to her calling.

Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the WordCelebrating Families, Sunday Connection

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