Come Holy Spirit…

fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.


In Confirmation, the Christian becomes more closely united with Christ. With the strengthening of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit the Christian is able to accept new responsibilities for witnessing Jesus to the world.  

Our Faith Formation staff collaborates with parents to prepare children & teens for the reception of Sacraments. What we have learned is that just as for adults, there should be a discernment process for children & teens and their parents as they prepare for the Sacraments. It doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be a one size fits all; we all have a different path on the journey to discovering and encountering God’s love. When parents feel their teen is ready, they will enter the preparation period for sacraments. Teens can begin the discernment process in 8th grade and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 10th Grade and older. As you prepare your teen for the Sacrament of Confirmation and decide he/she is ready, please contact the Karen Paonessa, Confirmation Coordinator,, to meet and discuss their preparation and schedule a date for the  reception of Confirmation. 

Please note: All Confirmation materials can be submitted online or downloaded from this page.

When the online submissions work, it’s awesome; however, there have been some technical difficulties. Before you submit online, copy and paste your answers to a Word document in case there are submission issues.

After submitting online, you will receive a copy of your submission via email, from Ms. Karen Paonessa.  Check your SPAM folder; especially if you use Gmail. You should have received emails from Please change your settings so Transfiguration email doesn’t go to your spam/junk folder.

If you are having trouble submitting, please make sure that all required fields, marked with an * are completed.