Welcome to Our Great Journey

Children, Teens, Families, & Adults Growing in Faith

Welcome to Transfiguration Parish Faith Formation; also known as OUR GREAT JOURNEY! We are dedicated to providing quality experiences based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Scripture and Church Tradition. We offer opportunities to learn more about our Catholic faith for 3-year-olds to adults.

We are excited about Family Faith for children in Grades K-12 with their parents. Select the time that works best for your family. Every other week, families will gather at Church, share a light meal, pray together and share the Gospel message. Children and teens will go to age-level small groups, adults will have their own study groups. Small Group Leaders will facilitate the sessions. On the weeks we do not meet at Church, materials and activities will be provided to share at home.

Childcare is provided for all sessions for 8 months- through pre-K.

We are also excited to offer ALL adults of the parish (with or without children) the opportunity to form small faith-sharing groups during our Our Great Journey sessions.

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Sunday morning Preschool & Kindergarten

Elementary Grades 1-5

ChrisTeen Grades 6-12


Sacrament Preparation & Becoming Catholic


Small Group Leaders

Weekly Post
