Women in Faith Fall Offerings

Women in Faith Fall Offerings

Women in Faith (WIF) meets Friday mornings at 9:45 A.M. In addition to the Friday morning studies, one study will be offered on Monday evenings at 7:00 P.M. An additional study will be held via Zoom on Thursday evenings.

The Fall session of Friday morning Women in Faith begins with a Meet and Greet on August 16. Monday evening WIF kicks off on August 19. Please sign up in advance to participate in a book or bible study. 

American Sign Language Classes/Clases de Lenguaje de Señas Americano

We are now accepting registrations for both the Beginner and Intermediate ASL classes.  Classes begin at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, Sept 3 and continues through May 20.  Class size is limited and meant for adults and we cannot accept anyone under the age of 14. Contact Judie Zervic, zervicj@gmail.com to register or for more information.

Ahora estamos aceptando inscripciones para las clases de ASL para principiantes e intermedios.  Las clases comienzan a las 7:30 pm el martes 3 de septiembre y continúan hasta el 20 de mayo.  El tamaño de la clase es limitado y está destinado a adultos, y no podemos aceptar a nadie menor de 14 años. Póngase en contacto con Judie Zervic, zervicj@gmail.com para registrarse o para obtener más información.


HELP SAVE LIVES ON 08/11/24 from 8:30 to 3:30!!

Blood supplies are critically LOW and the kids at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta are counting on us to keep those supplies where they need to be.  Scan the code below to sign up and be a HERO!!  We will be serving lunch to all donors (menu TBD) and all donors get a gift for being a HERO and saving lives.  As always snacks on blood drive days have no calories or carbs and you can lose up to two pounds just by donating! Best of all your donation can save up to three lives.  Men’s Club representatives are outside mass to sign you up.  Thanks in advance for Saving Lives!  


“Renewed in Spirit: Stephen Ministry Annual Retreat Brings Joy and Fellowship to Caregivers”

The Stephen Ministry Annual Retreat was a truly uplifting and rejuvenating experience for all who attended. Held on June 15, this special day was designed specifically for Stephen Ministers and caregivers, providing a unique opportunity for reflection, renewal, and connection.

Throughout the day, attendees were treated to expert presentations on various topics related to caregiving. These informative sessions were balanced with time for music, games, delicious food, and joyful fellowship.

The retreat was a wonderful way to step away from the demands of daily life and recharge their spiritual batteries. It was a day filled with laughter, tears, and meaningful connections with fellow caregivers. Whether you’re a seasoned Stephen Minister or just starting out, this event is a must-attend for anyone involved in this vital ministry.

Join us next year for another inspiring and rejuvenating experience!

“Reaching New Heights: Faith & Light’s Amazing VBS Experience!”

We are thrilled to share with you an amazing article about our incredible Faith & Light members who took part in this past weekend’s VBS* at St. Peter Chanel! Our group had an absolute blast serving together and making a difference in the lives of the children.

Please take a moment to read the article and be inspired by the amazing work! We are truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful community!

Raise the Roof for Habitat

During the weekend of August 24/25, Habitat for Humanity sponsors their “Raise the Roof” Event. 

The outdoor plaza will be filled with 2 x 4 studs that will be used for the construction of the exterior and interior walls of the Catholic Coalition’s Habitat house.  All parishioners are invited to use a Sharpie to sign your name on the wood studs: write a positive message, a line from Scripture, or pen a few words of encouragement to the volunteers who will use these studs to build the house.  Besides signing the studs with colorful messages, you can make a donation towards the Coalition build, get a free Habitat wristband, learn about Habitat’s mission and sign up to volunteer for any of the 9 Saturdays that it takes to construct the home.  Construction starts on Saturday, September 7th; for additional info, contact Mike Meehan at (404) 374-9074, or Cadmast54@gmail.com


Leaving a Legacy to the Parish: Giving assets to the parish endowment fund through your will enables you to help your parish long into the future, without affecting your cash flow now. For more information, contact Juliet Greco at the Catholic Foundation at jgreco@cfnga.org or 404.497.9440.

Dejar un legado a la parroquia: Dejar activos, tales como propiedades, seguros de vida, colecciones de arte al fondo patrimonial de la parroquia a través de su testamento le permite ayudar a su parroquia en el futuro, sin afectar su flujo económico actual. Para más información contacte a Juliet Greco en la Fundación Católica – jgreco@cfnga.org o 404.497.9440.

Join us in supporting our SVDP Pantry! ¡Únase a nosotros para apoyar nuestra despensa SVDP!

Your generosity can make a difference in the lives of those in need. May God bless your heart as you consider donating the following items to our pantry:

  • Ramen
  • Oil
  • Salad dressing
  • Toilet paper
  • Coffee
  • Pancake mix and syrup
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Spaghetti noodles
  • Canned fruit (pears, peaches, pineapple and fruit cocktail)
  • Canned carrots
  • Canned mix vegetables
  • Jelly

Your contributions help us serve our community with compassion and care. Thank you for your kindness and support!

Su generosidad puede marcar la diferencia en la vida de los necesitados. Que Dios bendiga su corazón al considerar donar los siguientes artículos a nuestra despensa:

Papel higiénico
Mezcla para panqueques y almíbar
Salsa de espagueti
Fideos de espagueti
Fruta enlatada (peras, duraznos, piña y cóctel de frutas)
Zanahorias enlatadas
Verduras mixtas enlatadas

Sus contribuciones nos ayudan a servir a nuestra comunidad con compasión y cuidado. ¡Gracias por su amabilidad y apoyo!
