Atlanta, Georgia–The Most Rev. Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., archbishop
of Atlanta, released the following statement regarding the release of the Georgia
Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council (PAC) report on the review of files related to
clergy abuse in the Catholic Church in Georgia. (

“Let me begin by saying clearly that any abuse perpetrated by priests, religious brothers or sisters, volunteers or employees of the Catholic Church is unacceptable. It cannot and will not be tolerated. This archdiocese will not protect abusers and we will not allow them to have access to our communities.
The report released today by the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council (PAC) represents a voluntary effort to be transparent about what happened in the past in hopes of moving forward with the healing process. Drastic changes have happened within the church in the last 20 years. We have worked hard to better understand and prevent abuse from ever happening again. We will not waver from the zero tolerance policy currently in place.

I have loved my life as a priest, pastor, educator and bishop. When I hear the stories of the deep hurt caused by other priests, volunteers or employees, I feel a deep grief and shame. If you have been hurt by the church because of abuse, whether you are a direct survivor or someone who feels betrayed by the actions
from the past, I am truly sorry for your pain. Please know that I am committed to a safe and transparent Church.”

– Archbishop Gregory Hartmayar, OFM

Atlanta, Georgia–El Reverendísimo Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.,
Arzobispo de Atlanta, emitió la siguiente declaración en referencia a la
publicación del informe del Consejo de Abogados Fiscales de Georgia (PAC por
sus siglas en inglés) sobre la revisión de archivos relacionados con el abuso del
clero en el Iglesia Católica en Georgia. (

“Permítanme comenzar diciendo claramente que cualquier abuso perpetrado por
sacerdotes, hermanos o hermanas religiosos, voluntarios o empleados de la
Iglesia Católica es inaceptable; y no puede ser ni será tolerado. Esta
arquidiócesis no protegerá a los abusadores ni les permitirá tener acceso a
nuestras comunidades.

El informe publicado hoy por el Consejo de Abogados Fiscales (PAC) representa
un esfuerzo voluntario por ser transparentes sobre lo que sucedió en el pasado
con la esperanza de avanzar con el proceso de sanación. En los últimos 20 años
han ocurrido cambios drásticos dentro de la Iglesia. Hemos trabajado
arduamente para entender mejor el abuso y evitar que vuelva a ocurrir. No nos
desviaremos de la política de tolerancia cero actualmente vigente.
He amado mi vida como sacerdote, párroco, educador y obispo. Cuando escucho
las historias del profundo dolor causado por otros sacerdotes, voluntarios o
empleados, siento un profundo dolor y vergüenza. Si usted ha sido lastimado por
la Iglesia debido al abuso, ya sea por ser un sobreviviente directo o alguien que
se siente traicionado por las acciones del pasado, lamento verdaderamente su
dolor. Quiero que por favor sepan que estoy comprometido con una Iglesia segura
y transparente”.

Read How Transfiguration Keeps its population safe with Safe Environment Training.

April is Child Abuse Protection Month.

While April is the month chosen for awareness, abuse to children could occur any time of year.  Here at Transfiguration, we take steps to ensure the safety of our children and vulnerable adults by requiring our volunteers and staff members to complete the child safety course known as Virtus. Our Safe Environment program  was established in order to protect children and the members of the community who care for them.   You can learn more about how the Archdiocese of Atlanta is growing it’s Safe Environment efforts at Including, PCA, Virtus and the Child Advocacy Center of Georgia. 
Transfiguration has made security a priority by establishing a verification process that ensures everyone with a White Transfiguration Badge has passed and is current on all required safety measures. We encourage everyone with this badge to wear them on property during Mass, Ministry and Fellowship times. It is a visible sign of our Parish’s commitment to safety.  And, a sign to our children and vulnerable adults that we care about them enough to take this extraordinary step.
Thank you for wearing your name badge when you volunteer.

Each April, parishes around the country participate in a Novena to End Child Abuse. While work is being done to prevent abuse at all times, we focus on the importance of learning how to protect the vulnerable. We can pray that the vulnerable are protected from abuse, and that survivors of abuse may be accompanied on their paths to healing.