Now, we’d like to call you by your name, too!
Parish Name Tags will be for you to Welcome, Celebrate, Serve and Grow with your community at Mass, Faith Formation Events and Parish Wide Gatherings. We encourage all of our members to submit a form to get a Name Tag Pre-Made. Nametags will be available for pick up before Mass on Nametag Sundays.
Name Tag Sundays will be on the First Sunday of each month, the same weekend as Monthly Recognitions! So you can say Happy Birthday, Anniversary or Welcome! to those who we’ve celebrated at Mass during a hospitality event or faith formation gathering.
We encourage you to wear your name tag whenever you are on campus.
Get your Name Tag Pre Made
Submit one form for each name tag. One for Each member of your family. (We will also have peel & stick name tags for our kids to decorate and wear.)