Our Great Journey
This week our theme is “Hosanna ” based on Mark 14:1-15:47/ Marcos 14:1-15:47
Opening Prayer:
All pray the Sign of the Cross
Lord, our God, renew in us the grace of our Baptism. May we realize we are your sons and daughters and that just as Jesus lived a life obedient to your will, we are also called to a life of holiness, love and service. May our Lent prayers, fasting and works of mercy transform our hearts and renew our hearts. Amen.
In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for March is The Rosary. Please pray these prayers daily to learn. If your children are too young to pray the entire Rosary, at least start with a decade.
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
- Have each family member share what makes the biggest impression on them from the story of the Lord’s Passion.
- The soldiers beat Jesus and made fun of him. How do you think that made Jesus feel?
- What would it have been like to be Simon of Cyrene?
- This week, how can you show that you honor Jesus as the Christ and Son of God?
Things to do:
- Red is the liturgical color for Palm Sunday. Where do you see red at Mass today?
- Make a palm cross. Check out this website for more elaborate options, https://www.mercyhome.org/blog/sunday-mass/how-to-weave-palms/
- Place palm branches behind all the crucifixes in your home.
- The Triduum – The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery. Plan on attending as many of the Holy Day liturgies as you can. Click HERE for schedule.
- Holy Thursday – On this day, we recall the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, and the agony in the garden.
- To recall the institution of the Eucharist, the Bread of Life, consider baking a loaf of bread as a family. It can be a favorite recipe, or you can make unleavened bread, . As part of the experience, have a family member read Exodus 12 about the first Passover meal. Recipe included.
- Good Friday – On this day, we recall Jesus’ suffering and Death and venerate the Cross.
- Have a meaningful and simple Good Friday lunch, read more here,
- Invite the family to turn off all devices between noon and 3 p.m., to recall the time that Jesus suffered on the Cross. Use the time to bake hot cross buns or, if the weather permits, to go outside and plant seeds, explaining how a seed must “die” if it is to give life.
- Holy Saturday – On this day, we hold vigil and, in the evening, we welcome the light (fire) that dispels the darkness and proclaim “Alleluia!” and “Glory to God!” for the first time in 40 days to begin the celebration of the Resurrection. We celebrate new life in Baptism and renew our baptismal promises.
- Pull out pictures, videos, and mementos of your children’s Baptisms, and tell stories and share memories of the events. As a family, renew your baptismal promises
- Color Resurrection eggs, and explain how the egg is a symbol of the Resurrection (life emerging from the tomb). Decorate the eggs with religious symbols.
- Make Resurrection rolls to eat on Easter morning
- This month’s prayer is The Rosary, to remember the important events in Jesus’ life. Gather as a family to pray the rosary, even if it’s just one decade/mystery. Read more about the Rosary….
Closing Prayer
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer before a Crucifix (adapted)
Listen and reflect on the African Spiritual, Were You There. You should be able to find the song on YouTube or wherever you stream music. When you are done, pray this prayer in front of a crucifix in your home:
Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while before your face I humbly kneel and with burning soul, pray and beg you, to fix deep in my heart, the gifts of faith, hope and charity, true contrition/sorrow for my sins and a promise to do better. While I think and pray with great love and tender pity, about your five most precious wounds, thinking about what you suffered, and calling to mind the words that David, your prophet, said of you, my Jesus, “They have pierced My hands and feet, They have numbered all my bones.” Amen.
Name those who need our prayers. Close with the Sign of the Cross.

Catholic Insights
On Palm Sunday, we receive a palm branch and remember how the people welcomed Jesus when he entered Jerusalem just days before he died. So many people were happy to see Jesus, but not everyone. These people did not believe his words and thought his teaching was wrong. They asked the Romans to put him to death. Since Jesus knew what he had to do, he didn’t argue with them. As the Son of God, he knew he needed to die so that God could raise him. Then all of us would have everlasting life in heaven. Our bodies one day would die, just like Jesus’ body, but our souls would rise and go to live with God in heaven forever. We have the gift of eternal life; happiness with God in heaven forever. THIS IS HOW MUCH GOD LOVES US.
Jesus obeys his Father to the very end. The passion account is the most difficult to hear.
In the years that Jesus was on earth, teaching his Apostles and walking with his many followers, he taught how important forgiveness is and how to respond to God and others in loving ways. Jesus knew he needed to teach the people about forgiveness in a way we could understand.
Before we get to the happy ending, we have to take the time to think about what Jesus did for us. If Jesus had not died on the cross, he couldn’t have risen from the dead and we would not have eternal life through him. Hosannah, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, who gave his life that we can have eternal life with him in heaven.
Did you know? …When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowd spreads cloaks on the road before him. To spread cloaks on the road was an ancient gesture of homage before a newly crowned king.
Resources adapted from 52Sundays.com, Celebrating the Lectionary, At Home with the Word, Celebrating Families, Sunday Connection
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