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Our Great Journey


This week our theme is “Go Ye Out/ Sal fuera” based on Mark 16:15-20/ Marco 16:15-20

All pray the Sign of the Cross

Lord, Jesus Christ, we rejoice with all of creation because you have risen from the dead. As we celebrate the Great 50 Days of Easter, help us to understand the meaning of your empty tomb: death does not have the last word; light will triumph over darkness; sadness will be conquered by hope. Make us people of life, light and hope and help us to show and share our Christian joy with all. Amen. Alleluia.

Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.

Things to talk about:

  • What does Jesus command us to do in this Gospel?
  • How can we “go and proclaim the Gospel to every creature”?
  • Jesus said that great signs will accompany those who proclaim the Gospel. Where does that power come from?

    Things to do:

    • Decide on one way your family can proclaim the Gospel to your neighbors and friends.
    • As a family decide on an area of the world to research: learn about their economy, politics, what sports are played, schools, special holidays, food and culture. Is this an area of the world that needs help and if you could travel there, how could you help? CRS.org is an excellent place to start.

    Closing Prayer

    In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Prayer Over Family Members

    Jesus, our Lord, we worship you. You are our brother and our Savior. We look forward to the glory of Heaven, but until that time, you have commissioned us to proclaim the Gospel.

    Bless us, Lord, and help us be a blessing to others.

    [Pray the following prayer individually over each family member. Invite everyone else to place their hand on the person’s shoulder.]

    Bless [name of family member] and give [name] the grace and wisdom he/she needs for this day and strength for carrying out your will. Help [name] proclaim the Good News of Jesus in word and deed today and always.

    Help us to always seek you, Lord. We look to you for guidance, strength, and all that we need. Amen.

    Name those who need our prayers. Close with the Sign of the Cross.

    Catholic Insights

    This art print is the end of our art gallery in the classroom hallway, depicting the stories of our faith and salvation. At the Ascension, Jesus commands the apostles and us, “Go and make disciples.” That is the call of our faith, to witness and share the good news of God’s love.

    The Ascension does not celebrate Jesus’ leaving but His ability to be present to all people in all places at all times. When Jesus of Nazareth was on earth in his human nature, he experienced life in a limited way. It is part of the human condition that we can be fully present in one place at one time. We’ve all had the experience though of being physically present in one place, but our heart and mind were somewhere else. Jesus’ Ascension affirms that he is no longer bound by time and space.

    The Risen Christ is present to us wherever we are and we experience that glorified body most fully within the community that is the Church. The essence of the Great Commission is that for those baptized into Christ, death is not the end but a magnificent beginning.

    At the end of Mass, we hear those parting words, telling us that our celebration of Mass has ended but that we are to go forth to live the Gospel by our lives. Go Ye Out!

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