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Our Great Journey

This week our theme is “Come to the Banquet” based on Matthew 22:1-14Mateo 22:1-14


Opening Prayer:

All pray the Sign of the Cross

Lord our God, you sent your Son into the world to live with us as one of us, to heal, to teach, to make holy and to proclaim the Good News of the coming of the Kingdom. Help us to live our Baptism to the fullest and to find ways to do what Jesus did: to bring joy and to help the suffering and to share the Good News of God’s love. Amen.

In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for October is the Act of Contrition. Please pray this prayer daily to learn. This should be one of our nighttime prayers.

Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.

Things to talk about:

  • Describe a wedding that you have attended. Explain what happens at a wedding feast to those who have never been to a wedding.
  • Why does Jesus use the image of a wedding feast to describe the kingdom of heaven?
  • In Jesus’ day, people were usually supplied with appropriate wedding garments if they didn’t bring one themselves. The man who was thrown out refused the garment and was unwilling to pay reverence to the king and dress appropriately for the occasion. What does this teach us about entrance into the kingdom of heaven?
  • What are some things that get in the way of seeing God’s invitation in our lives? What worries distract us from God?

Things to do:

  • Pull out your wedding album or pictures of a wedding you attended. Share stories about the joy of a wedding feast.
  • Help your child(ren) to remember their first invitation to God’s banquet by sharing about their baptism. Show pictures or tell them about the candle, gown, guests. Share First Communion memories. Discuss how we accept the invitation to come to God’s table every time we go to Mass and receive the Eucharist.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the heavenly banquet of the wedding feast that you invite us to through your son Jesus! Help us to love one another as you love us. We pray for our family and all families to be holy and look to the Holy Family for help and a model of how to love one another. Thank you for giving us time together this day as a family. We ask through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to bless and protect our family as we enter a new week and seek to give glory to you. Amen.

Catholic Insights

This week’s parable asks us to reflect on God’s invitation to come to the feast. God is the abundant, generous host who has prepared the banquet. How do we RSVP? What are our priorities? If this were an invitation to hang out with a celebrity, sports or music star, would we rearrange our schedules to accept that invitation?

Jesus uses the image of a big party to describe the Kingdom of God. He was trying to grab the attention of the Jewish leaders who thought they had a reserved spot in God’s kingdom because they did everything right. Jesus was telling them (and us) that God’s kingdom is not just for them, but for all.

Jesus told parables to invite people into God’s kingdom and to teach what is necessary to attain it. (CCC, 546). We have a choice to accept or reject the invitation. It is easier to claim to follow God than it is to live in humble gratitude and respond with love.

October is also Rosary Month.

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