Our Great Journey
This week our theme is “Heart and Soul”/Alma y Corazón based on Matthew 22:34-40/ Mateo 22:34-40
Opening Prayer:
All pray the Sign of the Cross
Lord our God, you sent your Son into the world to live with us as one of us, to heal, to teach, to make holy and to proclaim the Good News of the coming of the Kingdom. Help us to live our Baptism to the fullest and to find ways to do what Jesus did: to bring joy and to help the suffering and to share the Good News of God’s love. Amen
In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for October is the Act of Contrition. Please pray this prayer daily to learn. This should be one of our nighttime prayers.
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
- Is it hard to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind? Why or why not?
- Who are the neighbors in your life that you are commanded to love?
- How do you ask for forgiveness when you fail to love God or your neighbor?
- As we celebrate All Saints Day this week, consider the saints. In what way are they alike? Which saint stories have been most meaningful to you? Why?
Things to do:
- This Gospel talks about love of God and love of neighbor. Count how many times you hear the word “love” at Mass today.
- Carve Pumpkins—use creative designs to evangelize those who come trick or treating to your house through biblical images or Bible verses. Share the following reflection with your children: Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin.¨ God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off you. He opens you up and scoops out all the yucky stuff, including seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then he carves you a new smiling face and puts his light inside you for all the world to see.
- This week, the Church celebrates the feasts of All Saints (November 1) and All Souls (November 2). Discuss the Communion of Saints (CCC 962) and share stories of some of the saintly qualities of your deceased family members. Display a few pictures in a special place to remember to pray for the souls of the faithful departed in your family.
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the gift of family. Help us to be a holy family as your family was holy and is a model for holiness for us. Help us to love, understand, and forgive one another and to celebrate and rejoice in each other’s goodness. Help us to be a light to others and always look to love and serve you in others, especially the elderly and those who may be lonely. We ask this through your holy name. Amen.
October is Rosary Month. Join us on Friday evenings, 7:00 p.m. to Pray the Rosary for Peace in the Middle East. We are praying a Rosary Novena and will continue to gather to pray the Rosary through December 8.

Catholic Insights
Jesus, the Master Teacher, offers a direct way to the Kingdom of God. Jesus reduces the Ten Commandments to the Two Greatest Commandments. The first three commandments teach us how to love God and the other seven explain how to love our neighbor. He connects the Two Greatest Commandments by showing us that loving God means we extend care to people around us.
How can we apply these commandments to our lives? They teach us to live virtuously, as well in obedience to God.
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