May 14, 2023

Our Great Journey
Welcome to our summer blog. We’ll be posting weekly with ideas for Living the Gospel at Home. The blog is meant to be interactive, so please share ideas, photos and resources that you tried at home. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most meaningful. I’m exited to make a Mary’s Garden this week.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing women in our lives, especially to our mother, Mary. We are always in awe of your “YES,” and your willingness to lead us to your Son.
The theme for this week is: Help is on the Way! based on John 14:15-21 Jesus prepares us that he will be returning to the Father, but help is on the way. He promises to send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will always be with us.
Things to talk about:
- Which of the 10 commandments is most challenging to you?
- In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit will come, but that the world doesn’t know him yet and can’t see him. Is that still the case today? Why or why not?
Things to do:
- Plant a Mary Garden for/or in honor of your mom or with your family… Read more…
- A common symbol for the Holy Spirit is a dove. Look around your church today to see if you can find an image of a dove.
- Make S’mores
One image of the Holy Spirit is fire, so why not make a sweet dessert over a flame? Put a large marshmallow on a metal skewer and hold it over a heated flame. You can use a fire pit, a grill, or even a gas burner on your stove. Be sure to follow fire-safety precautions with the flame. Once the marshmallow is cooked enough for your liking, put it between two graham crackers to make a sandwich. You can also add other pieces of candy to the sandwich! Get as creative as you want!
If you have a graduate in the family, check out this article, Patron Saints for New Grads as they take their next steps.
All the blessings and please share ideas that worked in your family in the comments section below.

Our kindergarten class praying over the Mercy Bags they made.
If you had the opportunity to share a Mercy Bag, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please comment below

Join us for the discussion about Affordable Housing Options in Cobb County, Thursday, May 18. Click for details
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