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Our Great Journey

Welcome to our weekly summer digital post, designed to share ideas for Living the Gospel at Home. This blog is meant to be interactive, so please share ideas, photos and resources that you have tried at home. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most meaningful.

This weekend, Jesus talks about the kingdom of God, Matthew 13:44-52.

We are shown that the kingdom of heaven is of such value that nothing should stand in the way. This path shows us a glimpse of the kingdom of heaven now, and we are assured of knowing the fullness of life in Christ in the age to come. Jesus is asking us to prioritize our faith and our relationship with him. As we identify things that are important to us, we grow in our willingness to spend time working at them, whether it’s a sport, musical instrument or our relationship with Christ.

Blessings to all of our Cobb and Cherokee students & staff as they begin a new school year and building up the kingdom of God.

Things to talk about:

  • Is there anything that is SO valuable that you would sell all that you have to purchase it? If so, what is it?
  • Did you ever lose something important and then find it later? What did that feel like?
  • What is Jesus trying to teach us in today’s Gospel?

Things to do:

  • A treasure hunt is a great way to keep kids entertained and reinforce this Gospel. Consider creating a treasure hunt at your home; it takes some time to prepare it, but it’s well worth it! Have kids invite their friends. Click HERE for some tips!
  • Build your own pizza! Make your own edible treasure by building your pizza, recipe ideas HERE.
  • Look around our Church, there are many treasures. What do you think is the most valuable?
  • Work on being thankful this week. Wake up each morning and thank God for all your treasures (your family, home, friends, faith!
  • As a family, talk about whether your lives reflect the importance of faith in Christ. How does your family put Mass, Reconciliation and time for prayer first? What about service, care for the environment? Create a family list of priorities and actions. Post the list on the refrigerator as a reminder.
  • Come to Conversations with Clergy this Wednesday, August 2, 7:00 p.m. to learn more about THE MASS. Sign up HERE.

Fun Fact – The most valuable earthly treasure ever found (The Cuerdale Hoard) was discovered in 1840 by a group of workmen in a river near Preston in England. Inside was one of the biggest hoards of Viking treasure ever found—more than 8,600 items were documented, including silver coins, various bits of jewelry, and silver ingots. It has an estimated worth of $3.2 million.

Blessings for an awesome week!

St. John Vianney, August 5, Patron Saint of Priests

For teens and adults!
For children!

Start off the new Faith Formation season at the Parish Mission—RESTORED

Friday, August 11—Saturday, August 12. Adult/Teen & Middle School & Elementary sessions. Childcare available. Join us for the entire mission, Friday or Saturday. Take this opportunity to look at RESTORING ourselves, our relationships, our community. Come and be inspired by John Edwards, Just a Guy in the Pew. Registration closes August 7.

Remember to register for Our Great Journey.

Weekly sessions begin August 27. We can’t wait to see you.


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